What is Workers Compensation Insurance?

If you run a business and have employees, chances are that one or more of them can get hurt. This is the main reason for the existence of Worker’s Compensation insurance. This provides your employees with specific benefits if they get injured while working for you.

In addition to helping your employees, workers compensation can also keep you safe as a business owner. For example, you can provide your workers with Mr. wages, cover their medical expenses, provide their families with death benefits, and pay for their rehabilitation expenses without suffering from considerable costs.

However, keep in mind that based on the state you live in, Worker’s Compensation laws can vary. Also, workers comp attorneys might be required to claim it in some cases.

What is Covered By Workers Compensation?

Worker’s Compensation covers any injuries caused it to your employee when they are working on your behalf. For example, if they get injured in an accident while delivering to your customer, workers compensation will cover their medical costs. Usually, things like natural disasters, violence, and terrorism are also covered by Worker’s Compensation.

According to statistics, majority of Worker’s Compensation cases are related to minor pains and strains. These are caused when lifting heavy things up. Whenever this happens, your employee can take up to 12 days off from work.

Another reason for Worker’s Compensation claims is falls and trips. Moreover, Worker’s Compensation also covers illnesses caused by any chemicals used in your business.

What Isn’t Covered By Workers Compensation?

Usually, Worker’s Compensation does not cover any injuries that happen because of our fight, intentional injuries, injuries to intoxicated employees, injuries with no physical trauma, and injuries caused during commute.

Keep in mind that based on the state you live in; Worker’s Compensation laws can vary. So, before choosing to provide your employees with Worker’s Compensation, it is advised that you check with your state’s laws.

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